CLR Bath And Kitchen Cleaner

clr bath and kitchen cleaner

5 Steps to Use CLR Bath and Kitchen Cleaner for Cleaning Stain

Have you ever heard about the clr bath and kitchen cleaner? If you never knew about this product, we believe that you always have a problem with a stain on your kitchen floor or bathroom. Indeed, this product is one of the best products that can clean all kinds of stains easily. Therefore, you should get clr bath &kitchen cleaner and use it in your kitchen and bathroom. Now, to make it easier to do, we have a guide to using this product correctly.

Cleaning Preparation

Before you use the clr bath and kitchen, make sure you prepare the cleaning process. Remove all furniture, object and other items from the area that you are going to clean. Then, wear the cleaning equipment. You need rubber gloves to protect your hand. Now, you are ready to use the clr bathroom cleaner in your kitchen or bathroom.

How to Use CLR Cleaner

  1. Spray the clr bathroom & kitchen cleaner on the area that you want to clean.
  2. Let it sit for around 2 minutes. The foam that you just sprayed will eventually reduce its volume. Once you see that, you can move to the next steps.
  3. Use cloth or sponge to wipe the area. Make sure you damp it first to make it easier to clean the stain.
  4. Wipe it clean, and then rinse it with water. Use cold water to clean the remaining foam of clr bathtub cleaner. Do not let the foam stay for too long on the surface. Otherwise, it can damage the surface as this product can be categorized as a chemically strong product.
  5. Once you wipe and rinse it clean, see whether there is a stain left behind. If you still find the stain, repeat the process until you clean it. But, mostly, you can clean the stain using the clr bath cleaner in one cycle.


Even though we said that CLR cleaner is a cleaner product with strong chemicals, but it is made based on EPA guidance. Therefore, it doesn’t pose harm to your family as well as it doesn’t damage the environment. You can use it for your bathroom, kitchen and other room that uses similar material to bathroom and kitchen.

You also must remember one important thing. Before you use clr on bathtub or other parts of your room, read the instruction. That way you know the correct way to use it. Now, you don’t need to worry anymore about the stain.

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